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Que vive solo y triste
Ya angustiado
Que estás terriblemente enamorado
Hoy supe de ti
La cosás mas horribles que te pasan
Que lloras noche a noche que no duermes
Y que piensas nadamás tan solo en verme
Hoy supe de ti
La cosas más horribles que te pasan

Pues yo jamas te di motivo para estar así
Hay un malentendido, no es correcto, no es justo, no es normal       
Que llores tú por mí
Yo no quiero
Ser como un sombrar        
En todo tu vida         
Que por conocerte, en tu pecho haya        
Hecho un herdia            
Por Diós, has vuelve a la calma            
Te quiero con el alma            
Pero solo como amigos,         
Entiendelo mi amor            

¿Por qué no me comprendes?
Si una vez que yo jamás no sabes bien            
Mi motivo            
¿Por que no me comprendes que tu y yo podemos solamente ser amigos?   
Si somos diferentes que pensar            
Si somos diferentes de sentir
Si somos diferentes de vivir           
Ya no llores mas,         
Ya no yores mas tú por mí            
Ya no llores mas



That you live alone and sad and anguished,
That you're terribly in love
Today i found this out about you, and all the
Horrible things that happen to you:
That you cry every night, that you don't sleep
And that you think only about seeing me
Today i found this out about you, and all the
Horrible things that happen to you
Well i never gave you a reason to feel like that

There's a misunderstanding, it's not right
No, it's not fair, it's not normal
For you to cry for me
I don't want to be like a shadow
In all of your life
That just by meeting you, i caused
You pain in your chest (heart)
For god's sake, return to calm (calm down)
I love you with my soul, but only
As friends, understand, my love

Why don't you understand me?
If i never you know it
My motives
Why don't you understand that
You and i can be only friends

If we are different in the way we think
If we are different in the way we feel
If we are different in the way we live in love
Don't cry anymore,
Don't cry anymore for me
Don't cry anymore