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  La Llamada
AB Quintanilla III & Pete Astudillo

Soy yo mi amor
Antes de que me cuelgues no mas dejame explicar que...

No me vuelvas a llamar
Tratando de explicar
Que lo que ví no era cierto
Vergüenza debes tener
Si me quieres convencer
Que eres fiel y eres sincero

Oh! Te ví con ella y no puedes negar
Que eran tus labios los que la besaban
No te sirvió de nada
El disimular
Que sólo charlaban
No mientas más

Si me vuelves a llamar
Yo te vuelvo a colgar
Ya me cansé de escuchar
Escusas y más mentiras
No me vuelvas a llamar
No te voy a perdonar
Otra oportunidad
No te la doy
Si no vales la pena

Vergüenza debes tener
Si me quieres convencer
Que eres fiel y eres sincero

Oh! Te ví con ella y no puedes negar
Que eran tus labios los que la besaban
No te sirvió de nada
El disimular
Que sólo charlaban
No mientas más




The Phone Call
AB Quintanilla III & Pete Astudillo


Don't call me back
Trying to explain
That it wasn't true
Shame you should have
If you want to tell me
That you are faithful and you are sincere

Oh, I saw you with her and you can't deny it
That those were your lips kissing her
Don't pretend to me that nothing happened
That you were only chatting
Don't you lie anymore


If you call me back
I'm going to hang up
I'm tired of listening
Excuses and more lies
Don't call me back
I'm not going to forgive you
Another opportunity
I'm not going to give you
You're not worth it

Shame you should have
If you want to tell me
That you are faithful and you are sincere

Oh, I saw you with her and you can't deny it
That those were your lips kissing her
Don't pretend to me that nothing happened
That you were only chatting
Don't you lie anymore

Repeat Chorus
