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  La Puerta Se Cerró
Writer Unknown

La puerta se cerró 
Tú ya no pasas más 
Esos momentos tristes 
Que pasamos juntos 
Ya no volverán 
Te voy a suplicar 
Que no me busques más 
Estoy ya cansada 
Estoy fastidiada 
De tanto llorar.
No quiero ser tu amante 
No insistas ya bastante 
Con lo que prometiste 
Si que no cumpliste, 
Ya no soy de ti 
Estás equivocado 
Te sientes ya lastimado 
Pero ya date cuenta 
Que la lastimada 
Siempre ha sido yo. 

Ahora vete, vete, vete, vete, vete 
Ya es muy tarde 
Para ser la cuenta 
De lo que pasó 
Pero vete, vete, vete, vete, vete 
La que tú pensabas 
Que tenías captiva 
Ya se te escapó. 

(repite todo)


The Door Has Closed
Writer Unknown

The door has closed; you can't go through anymore
Those sad moments that we spent together
Won't return anymore
I'm going to beg you not to look for me anymore
I'm already tired, I'm fed up with crying so much.
I don't want to be your mistress (lover)
Stop insisting, it's enough already
With what you promised and what you didn't do,
I'm not yours anymore
You're wrong, now you feel hurt
But get over it, because the hurt one
Has always been me.

Now go, go, go, go, go away
It's too late to get into what happened
But go, go, go, go, go away
The one you thought you had captive
Just got away.