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Tus Desprecios
AB Quintanilla III  & Ricky Vela


Tus desprecios son
Lo que a mi corazón
Están matando
Y tus desaires
Son como puñales
Que me estás clavando
Y ya no sé qué hacer
Pa' recobrar tu amor
Y que me quieres de nuevo

Día tras día
Poco a poco
Nuestro amor
Por tus desprecios
Se está acabando

Porque te digo aquí
Y me dices que allá
Y si yo digo si
Me dices que jamás
Y si quiero salir
Tú te quieres quedar
No sé porqué razón
Tú no me quieres ya

Te digo que te amo
Y ya no contestes
Te ofrezco besos
Y me sacas vueltas
No te imaginas
Cuánto me dueles
Quererte tanto
Y tú ya no me quieres

(repite todo)


Your Contempts
AB Quintanilla III  & Ricky Vela


Your contempts are
What to my heart
They are killing it

And your desires
Are like knives
That are carving me

And I don't know what to do anymore
To recover your love
And you want a new me

Day by day
Little by little
Our love
For your contempts
Are ending

Because I tell you here
And you tell me there
And if I say yes
You tell me never
And if I want to go out
You want to stay
I don't know why reason
You don't want me anymore

I tell you that I love you
And you don't answer
I offer you kisses
And you turn away
You couldn't imagine
How much I hurt
I want you so much
And you don't want me anymore

Repeat all 1x