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Yo Te Sigo Queriendo
AB Quintanilla III & Ricky Vela


El tiempo pasa y tu no estas
Quizas una dia regresaras a mi lado
Las noches son una eternidad
Ya nada sin tu es igual
Y todo que era pa' lindo y bonito sin ti
Ya no tiene valor

Yo te sigo queriendo
Y llorando tu amor
Porque todo esta frio
Tan vacio
Sin ti
Yo te sigo sonando
Esperando verte aqui

Aunque me dicen que otro vendra
Nadie podra remplasarte aqui en mis brazos
Y en esta partida ya se que perdi
Y yo me rindo a ti
Y aunque me cueste mi orgullo te voy rogar
Que regreses a mi

Yo te sigo queriendo
Y llorando tu amor
Porque todo esta frio
Tan vacio
Sin ti
Yo te sigo sonando
Esperando verte aqui


Yo Te Sigo Queriendo
AB Quintanilla III & Ricky Vela


Time passes, and you're not here
Maybe one day you will come back to me
The nights go on forever
Now nothing is the same
Everything that was so nice and pretty,
Without you is worth nothing

I keep loving you
Missing* your love
Because everything is cold and empty without you

I keep dreaming about you
Hoping to see you here
Now nothing matters to me,
I just want to have you here

Even though they tell me that there will be someone else
No one could replace you here in my arms
And in this game i know i lost
And today i give in to you
Even if it costs me my pride, I'm going to beg you
To come back to me